DIGITbrain Project's Open Call will be presented today at the I4MS Webinar "The role of AI in industrial contexts: challenges and opportunities."
ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS) is an initiative promoted by the European Commission to expand the digital innovation of manufacturing SMEs in Europe.
The IPER project has indirectly received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation action program via the DIH-WORLD Open Call #1 issued and executed under the DIH-WORLD project (Grant Agreement no. 952176).
1) Welcome - I4MS (5 min)
2) Presentation of I4MS and European initiatives - I4MS (20-30 min)
3) Presentation of Speedhub (DIH) and Ce.S.I. (SME) - SPEEDHUB & Ce.S.I.
Sofia Montresor & Mario Spano (20 min)
4) AI applications in I4.0: between dreams and reality - University of Verona
Professor Alessandro Farinelli (20-30 min)
5) IPER Experiment: an application of AI in wood sector - CE.S.I. & Speedhub
Eng. Angelo Merlo & Eng. Mario Spano (20 min)
6) Q&A (10 min)