Digital Twins are among the most important topics for enterprises now – this trend seemed to be completely reflected by the first Open Call Webinar of DIGITbrain Project on Tuesday, which attracted more than 100 participants. DIGITbrain project held its first webinar this Tuesday and experienced great interest. The webinar was organised with Fundingbox, a European platform providing opportunity for startups and SMEs to join tech-related communities and win public funding.
Speeches were given by Project Coordinator, Antonio M. Ortiz, who provided a brief project overview, before Giacomo Benedetti, who represented the Open Call organising Digital Innovation Hub START 4.0, took over explaining the Open Call procedure to participants.
Prof Dr Tamas Kiss, Professor for Distributed computing at Westminster University and Dario Pietraroia, Partner at Technology Transfer System S.r.l. rolled out the technical details and experiences from real use cases and gave audience a feeling for what experiments DIGITbrain is looking for within its two Open Calls in 2021 und 2022.
In every Open Call DIGITbrain will add 7 new highly innovative experiments, bringing together technology providers and manufacturing end-users, each implementing an individual use case-based Digital Twin. Experiments can cover the manufacturing sector at large, including for example discrete manufacturing, continuous production, or construction
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A 2nd Open Call Webinar will be organised for 2 June 2021.
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